100 Years in Pictures

The Cleveland Housing Network assisted the Mt. Pleasant Now nonprofit development corporation with the construction of the Union Court senior apartments.Frances Southworth, Goff’s bride and intellectual partnerPlanning model of Cleveland, c. 19602010: Hawken SchoolThe foundation’s vision of creating a wind farm in Lake Erie is moving closer to reality.1964: Garden Center of Greater Cleveland1972: Huron Road MallThe gallery's second home on Bellflower Road in University CircleCleveland Play HouseCleveland OrchestraGoff in a rare moment of leisure2006: Cleveland Clinic FoundationGraduation day at Cleveland Early College High School, 2012NewBridge prepares adults for careers as health care technicians.Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey showed his support for Stokes’s Cleveland: NOW! initiative on a visit to the city in 1968.Vietnamese lutist Pham Thi Hue was Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio’s artist in residence in 2013.The grand opening of The Avenue at Tower City, 1990Barack Obama campaigns at Tri-C, 2007Alfred M. Rankin Jr.Uptown, the Circle’s exciting, new high-density neighborhood, has all the amenities associated with urban living.2004: The Gathering PlaceCommunityFoundationAtlas.org websitePresbyterian minister Bruce W. Klunder died while protesting the construction of three public elementary schools that Cleveland’s civil rights community believed would perpetuate a system of segregated and inferior education for African-American students.An east-side Cleveland elementary school, 1963: growing frustration with what appears to be systematic segregationThe State TheatreKenneth W. Clement M.D.Detroit ShorewayFrances Southworth GoffBusiness attraction: The Global Center for Health InnovationThe Board of Education building in downtown Cleveland, longtime headquarters of the system’s central administrationRobert E. Eckardt, Ph.D.Hough’s frustrations with its seemingly intractable problems erupted into violence during the summer of 1966.Cleveland voters expressed their hopes for the success of the reform plan by approving the Issue 107 operating levy.James D. WilliamsonJames A. Ratner2004: Cleveland Museum of Art1981: Convention and Visitors Bureau of Greater ClevelandHarry Coulby FundsFrederick Harris Goff, humanitarian, 1858‒19231986: Cain ParkTo date, 100 percent of the student body at the School of Science and Medicine goes on to college.By 1929, when Cleveland laid claim to having the tallest skyscraper in the country—the Terminal Tower, evocatively captured here by famed photographer Margaret Bourke-White—the community foundation movement had spread across America.Upper Chester, which abuts the Cleveland Clinic, is the next Circle neighborhood slated for redevelopment.2000: Cleveland Zoological SocietyLinking city kids to life-enriching programs: Duffy Liturgical Dance teaches children to perform and thus preserve songs and dances created by African slaves in America.Green City Growers Cooperative’s 3.25-acre hydroponic greenhouse in the Central neighborhood opened in 2013.  The Cleveland Foodbank’s LEED-certified distribution centerClean water advocates, 19681996: Dunham Tavern MuseumPalace Theatre lobbyThe March on Washington, August 28, 1963, at which Martin Luther King Jr. called upon the nation to make good on democracy’s promise of social and economic freedom for all citizens 1997: Cleveland Clinic Foundation1976: Sokol HallInstitute of Pathology at Western Reserve University, as it appeared at its opening in 19291968: Karamu HouseCarl W. BrandChurch Square Commons, offering affordable apartments for adults 55 and older, is one of the Famicos Foundation’s most recent projects in Hough.2002: Cleveland Institute of MusicAlbert Sabin (left) developed the oral vaccine given to Cleveland children.2010: Case Western Reserve UniversityDr. King speaking in Rockefeller Park on a visit to Cleveland in 1967. The previous year he had dramatized the issue of housing discrimination by moving his family into a grimy apartment on the segregated west side of Chicago and joining in protest marches into that city’s all-white neighborhoods.The cast of Nicholas NicklebyWade Oval Wednesdays, summertime’s popular outdoor music seriesFairfaxAfter their father's untimely death, future political icons Carl (left) and Louis Stokes lived with their mother at Outhwaite Homes.Mayor Dennis Kucinich’s ceremonial presentation of a post-default debt paymentAndrew Carnegie, the “king of steel,” created a private foundation to carry out his philanthropic activities. Goff invented a simpler, more affordable mechanism to serve the charitable impulses of caring individuals of all means.L. Dale Dorney FundCarl B. Stokes at a town hall meeting, 1969: an historic but troubled mayoral administration A greasy-spoon diner and flophouse at Payne and Walnut Avenues downtown, c. 1968—emblems of the City of Cleveland’s intensifying financial distress Privately developed Beacon Place Townhomes on East 82nd Street—evidence of the return of middle-class Clevelanders to the central cityAdvocating greater reliance on clean energy: a wind farm in northwestern OhioBarbara Haas RawsonTreu-Mart Fund2002: Shaker Lakes Regional Nature CenterUnder the leadership of former CEO Baiju Shah, BioEnterprise created, recruited or helped to grow more than 170 local biotechnology companies.1961: Benjamin Rose InstituteUniversity Circle’s cultural institutions have long been renowned for their enriching educational activities.Sold out! Heritage Lane townhomes, built within walking distance of the CircleGoff did not believe that philanthropy should be the exclusive province of wealthy individuals such as Standard Oil Company founder John D. Rockefeller, a client of Goff’s former law firm.R. M. Fischer’s Sports StacksProposed townhomes for East 118th StreetFoundation leaders confer about how to distribute 1947 income of $614,479 to a standing list of charitable institutions and agencies. Foundation director Leyton E. Carter (third from right) is seated next to the board’s sole female member, Constance Mather Bishop. The bulldozer operator accidentally backed over Rev. Klunder in order to avoid hurting the protestors lying in front of him.Malvin E. Bank1982: The TempleThe reversal of downtown Cleveland’s stagnation, symbolized by the redevelopment of the Terminal Tower, is a 60-year-old work in progress in which the foundation has been steadily engaged.F. James and Rita Rechin FundDancer/choreographer Kapila Palihawadana of Sri Lanka, 2012 artist in residence with the Inlet Dance Theatre, conducts a master dance class at the Beck Center for the Performing Arts.Charles P. BoltonKent H. SmithRaymond C. MoleyFirst grants to advance serious medical research in an era still plagued with quackery: The Cunningham Sanitarium, located at East 185th Street and Lake Shore Boulevard, c. 1928. The sanitarium offered patients access to the world’s largest hyperbaric chamber, but its claims for the benefits of oxygen therapy proved specious.Halprin worksheetThe Palace, the flagship of the Keith chain of vaudeville theaters, reinvented itself as a wide-screen movie house in the 1950s.A new generation of Circle fansAretha Franklin at the Tri-C JazzFestJohn J. DwyerCleveland BalletLakeview TerraceStokes with his brother Louis (left)1975: Kenneth C. Beck Center for the Cultural ArtsFostering economic opportunity via college scholarships: Garment workers at Joseph & Feiss Company, makers of the $15 blue serge suitJacqueline F. WoodsCleveland Public ArtCharles A. RatnerNew Gallery co-founders Marjorie Talalay (left) and Nina Castelli SundellArtist’s conception of the new Regional Transit Authority station planned for Mayfield Road in Little ItalyHalprin’s impressionist sketch of Cleveland’s “Flats,” which he praised as a “tremendous resource.”  
Contaminants flowing into Lake Erie, 1965Karamu House1968: Holden ArboretumRonald B. RichardNeighbors who have come together to work on improvement of their neighborhoodThe issues facing 21st-century Clevelanders—educational and economic opportunity, neighborhood and cultural vitality, and strong health and human services—are much the same as those with which earlier generations wrestled.The 2011 renovation of the Allen Theatre's main auditoriumAn examination room at the Glenville Health Clinic1996: Old Stone ChurchFamed urban planner Lawrence Halprin (right) presented his ideas for downtown Cleveland’s redevelopment at a public forum in 1975 attended by Cleveland mayor Ralph J. Perk (center) and May Company department store president Francis Coy (left).H. Stuart Harrison1967: Blossom Music CenterAn owner-employee of the Evergreen LaundryKatharine Holden Thayer by Cindy NaegeleLake-Geauga FundBarbecue restaurant owner Al (Bubba) Baker received a microloan that enabled the former Browns football player to begin local distribution of his proprietary de-boned baby-back ribs.Circle institutions have invested or are planning to invest billions in capital improvements, such as University Hospitals of Cleveland’s new Seidman Cancer Center.St. Joseph's Orphanage for Girls on Woodland AvenueIvan Lecaros (right), a master printmaker from Chile, puts the final touches on a drawing for a silkscreen print during his 2012 residency at Zygote Press.Mort Epstein’s Pop Art-inspired electrical outlet, a CAAC-commissioned mural, graced the Union building on Euclid Avenue.1999: Western Reserve Historical SocietyTri-C groundbreaking, 19661982: Cleveland Institute of ArtLeadership of a 1933 initiative to replace squalid tenements with subsidized garden apartmentsArchitectural drawing of the Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority's Lakeview Tower, a senior high-rise proposed for the near west side in 19711994: Great Lakes Science MuseumJames A. Norton1959: Cleveland Institute of Music1957: Cleveland Museum of Natural HistoryMOCA Cleveland’s faceted, mirrored, four-story art gallery anchors the Uptown development.Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards1984: Cleveland Department of Parks, Recreation and PropertiesTom L. Johnson, a reformer who served as Cleveland’s mayor from 1901 to 1909, helped to shape the city’s progressive climate. CommunityFoundationAtlas.org websiteHarold T. ClarkHomer C. WadsworthCarlton K. MatsonJohn Sherwin Jr.Fred S. McConnellManchester Bidwell, the Pittsburgh model on which NewBridge is based, has instilled a love of learning in teens who previously did not fare well in school.2000: Therapeutic Riding CenterCool Cleveland editor and publisher Tom MulreadyApollo’s FireNancy Dwyer’s Who’s on First? bench2007: Great Lakes Theater FestivalThe restored Hungarian Cultural Garden1991: Hathaway Brown SchoolThe Cleveland Trust Company’s neoclassical banking hall, which opened in 1908, was topped by an immense stained-glass dome.Sustaining the excellence of the region’s cultural assets: a summer solstice party at the Cleveland Museum of ArtThe passenger terminal at Cleveland-Hopkins Airport, c. 1956Projects receiving recent Neighborhood Connection grants have ranged from hands-on crafts classes to the reintroduction of beekeeping.  Global Cleveland’s welcome centerCommencement at Tri-C, 1975Inauguration ceremony of the 1975 World Conference of the International Women’s Year, Mexico CitySophisticated life support equipment in an air ambulance made by Nextant Aerospace, Ohio’s only aircraft manufacturer and a MAGNET clientAn assembly line at the Ford Motor Company plant in Brook Park, 1973: manufacturing jobs on the declineCleveland schools CEO Eric Gordon and Cleveland mayor Frank Jackson stumping in 2012 for the passage of the first operating levy to be placed on the ballet in 16 yearsThe Ohio Department of Natural Resources invested more than $40 million in capital improvements to the band of green spaces renamed the Cleveland Lakefront State Park. Ohio governor John Kasich at the signing of House Bill 525, legislation enabling education reform, in June 2012Tri-C JazzFest, 1993Participants in Parade the Circle, an annual celebration of creativity Addressing the changing socioeconomic needs of the African-American community: 20th anniversary convening of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, hosted by Cleveland in 1929Cleveland City Hospital’s “iron lung” respirator, used for treating polio patients whose paralyzed muscles cause breathing difficulties, 1933Slavic VillageReinhold W. Erickson, D.D.S.James R. GarfieldCleveland OrchestraCleveland Ballet co-founder Dennis Nahat as the tsar and Nanette Glushak as the tsarina in the company’s signature holiday performance of The NutcrackerCleveland’s well-financed and -run network of community development organizations targeted this crumbling but historic eight-unit rowhouse in the Central neighborhood for rehabilitation.Cleveland, Ohio, the birthplace of an entirely new concept of philanthropyStanley C. PaceSherwick FundA landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision righted the injustice experienced by Clarence Earl Gideon, a drifter who was convicted of felony theft because he could not afford an attorney and had defended himself at trial.Great Lakes Science CenterOn his way to building Cleveland Trust into America’s sixth largest bank, Goff occasionally took time out to indulge his passion for fishing.The Great Lakes Science Center’s wind turbineA “City Canvases” mural by graphic designer John MorellBelle SherwinSupport for humanitarian aid to the unemployed: Stone carvers responsible for the iconic pylons of the Lorain-Carnegie Bridge, a rare Depression-era construction project completed in 1932 with bond funds approved before the stock market crashHarry Goldblatt, M.D.The RetreatCleveland Housing Network financing programs have helped low- to moderate-income families become homeowners.Chester Avenue demarks the northern border of the MidTown Corridor.Protest demonstration at Cleveland State University, 1969: poverty rates in the central city on the riseThe Allen Theatre, originally an opulent silent movie house, c. 1938Welcome committees were organized to greet bused students on their first day at their new crosstown schools. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and MuseumGeorge and Janet VoinovichThe original Free Clinic, a drug treatment center on Cornell RoadEdgewater Park under state stewardshipThe Cleveland Foundation emerged from the crucible of the 1960s a stronger leader and more strategic grantmaker.Master planner I. M. Pei (right), Cleveland’s urban renewal director James Lister (center) and chief architect Jack Hayes at the Erieview Tower construction site, 1954 MAGNET incubator graduate, DXY Solutions, makes components and software for mobile devices.2009: Cleveland Institute of ArtMAGNET incubator tenant Tom Lix, the founder and CEO of Cleveland Whiskey, which has developed a proprietary process for accelerating the aging of distilled liquorsThe East Central Townhomes, after a $1.2 million renovation by Burten, Bell and Carr Development CorporationProgressive Field at GatewayEntrepreneurship: Wood Trac, an affordable, drop-ceiling system developed and marketed by Sauder Woodworking, a family-owned business in Ashland, OhioCleveland Museum of ArtThe Peter B. Lewis Building, designed by Frank Gehry, is the home of Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management.2013: Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsA satellite photograph of Lake Erie, downtown Cleveland and the Cuyahoga River valley: The foundation has learned to take the long view in helping the community craft fresh responses to persistent urban problems.Title VIII (the “Federal Fair Housing Act”) of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, signed by President Johnson a week after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., advanced the struggle for integration taking place in Cleveland’s eastern suburbs and elsewhere across the nation.The Goff home on Lake Shore Boulevard in BratenahlDonald and Ruth GoodmanDancing WheelsJohn L. McChordMichael D. White won voter support for “mayoral control” of the Cleveland public schools.Goff wisely decided that an independent citizen’s committee should determine how a community foundation’s income should be distributed, rather than the directors of the foundation’s trustee bank. The formal entrance to the Judson Park retirement community, an independent living facility erected in 1974 next to the traditional nursing home established by the Baptist Home of Ohio in the former Bicknell mansion on Cleveland’s east sideAdam Joseph Lewis Center for Environmental Studies, Oberlin CollegeCatharine Monroe LewisGroundWorks Dance Theater1976: Cleveland Play HouseMembers of the African-American Philanthropy Committee: Reverend Elmo A. Bean, Doris A. Evans, M.D., David G. Hill, Lillian W. BurkeOn December 15, 1978, Cleveland City Council considered and rejected Mayor Kucinich’s 11th-hour plan to avoid default.Grand opening of the Outhwaite Homes, 1937Kucinich proclaiming victory on the eve of his election as mayor in 1977Cleveland Housing Network was the lead developer of Greenbridge Commons, permanent housing for chronically homeless individuals, in the Fairfax neighborhood.First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt (third from left) at the 1937 dedication of Lakeview Terrace, the nation’s first public housingThe Frederick C. Crawford Auto Aviation Collection at the Western Reserve Historical SocietyJ. Kimball JohnsonWade Lagoon, the tranquil heart of Cleveland’s cultural hub The multitude of organizational nameplates on the door to the Cleveland Foundation’s offices in the 1970s testified to its rebirth as a nexus of progressive philanthropy and an incubator of social-action programs.  Captain Frank’s seafood restaurant at the end of the Ninth Street Pier once commanded downtown’s best view of Lake Erie.Lexington VillageSPACESLAND Studio’s proposed redesign of Public SquareCleveland Institute of ArtThe NAACP-Cleveland’s fight for desegregation ultimately leads in 1973 to a federal lawsuit against the Cleveland public schools: the likelihood of court-ordering busing 1986: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and MuseumEllwood H. FisherPlayhouse Square, c. 1969Frank H. and Nancy L. Porter FundDispersed by police, the protesters did not succeed in halting construction, but Klunder’s martyrdom inspired the civil rights community to continue what was ultimately a victorious fight against segregation of the Cleveland public schools.Great Lakes Theater FestivalThe West 25th Street retail district in Ohio City exemplifies the objective recently adopted by Neighborhood Progress, Inc. of restoring market forces in target neighborhoods.The Dolan Center for Science and Technology at John Carroll University incorporated green building materials and smart energy and water systems.2005: ideastreamInnovation: CleveMed’s wireless sleep monitorGreen City Growers supplies Bibb lettuce, green leaf lettuce, gourmet lettuces and basil to institutional and commercial customers.Glenville High School students, 1914John SherwinRaymond Q. ArmingtonEvergreen Energy Solution’s photovoltaic panels1985: Cleveland State UniversitySinging AngelsSteven A. MinterThe foundation’s 1915 public education survey resulted in sweeping reform. For decades thereafter, Cleveland’s school system was regarded as a model of excellence.Cleveland Film Society27 Coltman, a luxury townhome development on the eastern boundary of University CircleHunter MorrisonHolsey Gates HandysideA new company that makes and installs solar-panel arrays has been created with foundation support.Cleveland’s busy riverfront, south of the Superior ViaductLeyton E. Carter2003: Hanna Perkins Center for Child DevelopmentAlthough the foundation’s trailblazing was a faded tradition by 1955, when this picture of the trustee bank presidents holding a replica of the foundation’s logo was snapped, its stature as the world’s first community trust remained a source of pride.1973: Severance HallTremontRalph J. Perk lends a hand to the theater restoration project, which began during his tenure as Cleveland mayor. Cleveland mayor Ralph S. LocherThe foundation helped to draft and win passage of a clean energy law for Ohio.Euclid Avenue, looking east, c. 1910Flotsam despoiling the beach at Gordon Park2001: Cleveland Botanical GardenGordon Park in its heydayCleveland Institute of MusicRichard W. Pogue2006: MOCA ClevelandA. E. Convers FundA burning desire to be an attorney animated Goff as a young man.  Business growth: The Greater Cleveland Partnership’s business development teamIn 1967, this Cleveland Heights home, owned by an African American, was bombed in a senseless and vain attempt to halt the suburb’s integration.Malcolm L. McBrideOhio City1956: Cleveland Institute of ArtMAGNET’s Prism program helped Cleveland-based Vitamix keep up with demand for its high-end blenders.David GoldbergStokes and his wife, Shirley, on election day, 1968 MOCA Cleveland1998: Cuyahoga Valley Scenic RailroadMAGNET consultants helped Nextant Aerospace of Richmond Heights, Ohio, apply lean principles to its specialty business of remanufacturing corporate jets for an under-$5 million market. Tri-C’s early use of computers as a teaching aid, c. 1980